Globe Holidays
Civitella Paganico
The Saffron
The Saffron
The saffron
Obteined by a deep red violet flower that blossoms in the spring offering the three deep red pistils view, the Maremman saffron is a delicious local product that people who go to Civitella Paganico or in the Maremma in general, cannot undoubtedly miss. It's just from these pistils that a privileged powder.
In addition to being a good prevention against a lot of pathologies, the saffron will be able to satisfy the most refined palats thanks to the quality of the product. A very delicious spice, ideal to flavour fresh vegetables dishes, roast, salad sauce, sweets and too much other palatable local dishes. No wonder if the saffron has been considered the symble of the spiritual peace for ages, so that the dying Buddha's suits, that were died with this beneficent gold, were the symble of Memory, an aternally live light in the Soul of the world.
  • The Saffron
  • The Saffron
  • The Saffron
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