Globe Holidays
No coincidence if it's protagonist of many food festivals festivals that take place mainly in Modena (but which can also be found in many Bolognese trattorias), the crescentina, (also called sometimes Crescenta or also known, but incorrectly, with the name of tigella), is a delicious type of bread typical Modenese Apennines. Prepared from a mixture of water, wheat flour and yeast, the crescentine owe their delicacy mixture that traditionally takes place using a pesto made of a chopped pork fat, garlic and rosemary and Parmigiano Reggiano, and sometimes, they are also stuffed with ham and cheese and, ultimately, is spreading the habit of using jam as a filling and chocolate creams. A unique delicacy that can satisfy the most discerning palates.
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina
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