The Castle Estense
Pride of the city, this beautiful castle was built by order of Nicholas II d'Este, in the late fourteenth and the sixteenth century, after the bloody revolt of the people of Ferrara. This building became the symbol of a despotic power that dominates the city. In that earlier era are the massive grandeur, its moat, drawbridges preceded by stone ramparts and towers.
In the sixteenth century Estense Castle lost its austere becoming a beautiful courtyard full of terraces, balconies and marble courtyard of the sixteenth-century lines and magnificent apartments, Alfonso I had it completely restructure the way in which blanket placed his private rooms and an elegant balcony marble, of particular note are the famous Alabaster Camerini where they were exposed its prestigious collections of art with paintings by famous artists such as Titian, Dosso Dossi and sculptures by Antonio Lombardi.Si also developed a system of lodges on the first floor roof terraces-, a walk to the delight of the court that crossed all the lodges at the Orange Garden set up by flower beds and walkways interspersed with beautiful orange trees where he had been made ??the delicious fake wall decorated with polychrome marble and you could see the entire city.
Inside you can visit the kitchen where skilled chefs and ducal ceremonies worked to prepare many dishes and processed to be presented to the famous banquet, testimony to the ancient use rimangongono now only two windows that served as air intakes. See also the prisons and the Hall of Kerb, laid in the trench in the basement of the Loggia dei Leoni, these prisons housed people of high rank or otherwise requiring individual sorveglianza.Accanto detainees to prisons is that the Hall of Kerb served as a guard post, the room takes its name from the curb that runs across the marble hall and runs along the wall, now visiting the prisons we can still see traces left by prisoners such as writing graffiti on brick walls. |