Globe Holidays
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Among the various Italian delicacies, the rumors are without doubt among the best known and appreciated throughout the country. Consumed mainly during the period of Carnival, the rumors are known by many other regional names: lies, cioffe, crostole, sfrappe, sfrappole, rags, crogetti, grostoli, intrigoni and many others. Cakes shaped like elongated strip (sometimes manipulated to form a node), the talk is made from a dough of flour that is fried or baked and then dusted with icing sugar and, sometimes, can be covered with honey, chocolate or with icing sugar, washed down with alchermes or served with dessert or pudding, still mounted with mascarpone and sweet.
  • Angel wings
  • Angel wings
  • Angel wings
  • Angel wings
  • Angel wings
  • Angel wings
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